My Little Pony G1 Wiki

Catrina, also spelled Katrina, is a Humanoid Feline Witch. Catrina herself is a powerful witch who is dependent upon the Witchweed potion, which is the source of her power.


She holds the Bushwoolies her slaves and forces them to make the potion for her. After the Bushwoolies escaped, she then planned on kidnapping the ponies to be her new slaves, but she ends up kidnapping Baby Moondancer along with the Rainbow of Light to convince the Bushwoolies to go back for her. She was defeated by Rep and later redeemed herself of her bad ways by destroying the machine that produces the Witchweed Potion.


Due to her cat-like features, Catrina is equipped with sharp claws. It is unknown whether she has any innate magical powers or if all her abilities came from witchweed potion. With the potion, she is able to greatly increase her size, and gains magical abilities that seem mostly tied to weather. These include producing blizzards, drawing in gale force breaths, and shooting bolts of lightning from her eyes.


  • My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic featured a race of anthropomorphic cats similar in concept to Catrina, the most notable being Capper.